

Wilson [K]Factor Continues Growth as the Top 3 Selling ‘Hot New Rackets’

November 5, 2007

Chicago — Wilson Racquet Sports continues its growth, with the latest third quarter Sports Marketing Survey market share report showing that Wilson’s 2007 year-to-date market share has increased significantly over 2006. The [K]Six-one family of rackets now represents the #1, #2 and #3 top selling Hot New Racket models for the third quarter in the US market.

In addition to the dominance of the [K]Six-one family, Wilson has 5 of the Top 10 “Hot New Rackets”, including the new [K]Surge model. The Hot New Rackets rankings measures sales of new rackets that were launched within the past 12 months (from all brands) that consumers are buying the most (Q3 2007 TIA/SMS Specialty Store Retail Audit).

The Q3 2007 SMS summary also shows Wilson’s ongoing leadership in the market with consumers:

Wilson continues to also grow their share as the clear #1 tennis brand globally with very strong results in Q3 in Europe and Asia. In Japan, the second largest country for tennis (behind the U.S.) Wilson has also continued to increase their market share for 2007 and remains the clear #1 in share in both units and dollars. (Yano data, July/August. 2007).