

PTR Schedules Professional Development Weekend

June 18, 2008

Hilton Head Island, SC — Professional Tennis Registry (PTR) will hold its annual Professional Development Weekend, October 16-19, 2008. The event will be held at PTR Headquarters, located at the Van der Meer Shipyard Racquet Club on Hilton Head Island, South Carolina.

Participants can start each day with a Cardio Tennis workout to get their blood pumping for the exciting line up of speakers and on-court and lecture presentations, including: Advanced Stroke Production; Growing Kids, Growing the Game – PTR Kids Tennis; Mental Coaching – The Confidence Factor; Team Coaching; Teaching and Marketing Cardio Tennis; Fast Track Your Tennis Business with Technology; Play Action Drills and more! Presenters include Matt Allen, Iñaki Bazola, Jorge Capestany, Steve Keller, Linda LeClaire, Charlie Ruddy and Dr. Bryce Young. The four day event is open to PTR members and non-members.

For more complete information on Professional Development Weekend or to register, visit Upcoming Events at