ASBA to Offer Technical Meeting in Savannah
September 28, 2009
Of particular interest this year is the fact that this meeting will mark the inception of ASBA’s new Field Builder Certification Program. The program, which was developed to help raise professional standards and improve the practice of athletic field construction, will offer its first exam at the meeting. Information on taking the exam can be obtained by contacting the Association directly, or by going to the web site,
The program this year’s meeting includes sessions such as “Track/Turf General Construction Practices: Working with the Two,” “Fast Dry/Clay Courts Panel,” “Specifying Indoor Flooring from the Architect’s Perspective,” “Keeping Overhead and Labor Costs Down,” “Efficiency and Standardization of Tennis Court Lighting,” “LEED and the New Environment,” “Media and Marketing,” “Crossover Business Opportunites/Alternative Sports Construction,” “Fixing the Moisture Problems: Moisture Mitigation Systems: Which One to Use?” and “Storm Water Design and Permitting, and Storm Water Retention 101.” A completed program, listing speakers, times and sessions, available on the Association’s website,
The meeting will be beneficial to individuals in all segments of the industry. The American Sports Builders Association is an approved provider of continuing education programs to the American Institute of Architects (AIA) and the American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA) through its Landscape Architecture Continuing Education System (LACES). Many of the sessions offered at this meeting are applicable for these continuing education credits.
“The ASBA Technical Meeting is one of our most popular gatherings, and this year, it’s more valuable and important than ever,” said George Todd, CTCB, chairman of ASBA. “It can be useful to everyone from designers to builders to suppliers. Whether a person owns a multinational corporation or simply works on the crew of a small company, this meeting has something for everyone. Nobody ever comes away empty-handed from the Technical Meeting.”
The location for this year’s meeting is Savannah, Georgia, and the facility is the luxurious Hyatt Regency, with an outstanding location and a host of excellent amenities. The hotel will offer special discounted room rates to those who book directly and mention the ASBA Technical Meeting. Information is available by contacting the Association at its headquarters via phone, 866-501-ASBA (2722) or 410-730-9595, fax 410-730-8833, or by e-mail at [email protected].