

Using Six Sigma Principles in Tennis

April 8, 2010

SARASOTA, Fla. — Former Stanford Tennis USPTA Pro, USTA Official and Six Sigma Champion Steven Falk’s groundbreaking book, “Six Sigma Tennis,” which uses proven quality management principles to achieve athletic excellence, is now available through Media on Main in downtown Sarasota.

In “Six Sigma Tennis,” leading expert Steven Falk explains how the improvement processes major corporations use to ensure 99.99 percent quality can now be used by tennis players of all levels to achieve 99.99 percent success rates within three hours.

“I have been told by sports and Six Sigma experts from around the world that this is the first time these processes have been applied to athletics and that the book will likely change athletics, education and sports forever,” he said. “I’ve seen fantastic results with my own students, and I’ve received feedback from coaches, educators, parents and students in the U.S. and Canada having the same success with Six Sigma Tennis.”

Falk’s easy-to-follow methodology is drawn from his experience with applying the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) standards, Six Sigma quality improvement processes and Zero Defects strategies in large corporations, such as Carlson Companies, General Electric, Lockheed Martin and Siemens. As a tennis instructor with Stanford Tennis in Palo Alto, Calif., he began applying Six Sigma approaches, which not only helped players, but also assisted instructors and coaches with their own students, Falk said.

“What I love about this is that teaching these principles to children or adults not only gives them the tools they need to succeed at tennis,” Falk said, “but they also can use them to succeed at life.”

To order, visit, or visit Media on Main in Sarasota.