

TIA Tennis Forum In NYC August 31

July 9, 2010

“Roadmap for a Healthy Sport” is the theme of the fourth annual TIA Tennis Forum, which will be held in New York City in conjunction with the 40th Annual USTA Tennis Teachers Conference. The Forum will be on Tuesday, Aug. 31.

The Tennis Forum will present the latest news about the state of the industry—including participation growth, equipment sales data, grassroots initiatives and more. It will also outline pathways to increasing the number of frequent players in the U.S., ways to better define and boost the economic growth and impact of the tennis industry, and effective ways to distribute clear, consistent messaging of health, fitness and the reasons to play tennis.

Presented by Tennis Magazine, the Forum will be from 7:30 to 8:30 a.m. in the Manhattan Ballroom of the Grand Hyatt and is free and open to all in the industry.The USTA Tennis Teachers Conference runs from Aug. 28 to 31 and is a leading resource for teaching professionals,organizers and coaches and includes presentations and seminars, an exhibitor area, and opportunities for tennis teachers to network.

For more information about the TIA Tennis Forum, visit