

USPTA Supports VA QuickStart Program

October 26, 2010

The United States Professional Tennis Association presented a grant to QuickStart Tennis of Central Virginia for its Jump Start QuickStart Tennis initiative. The grant makes it possible for QCV to provide QuickStart Tennis equipment to P.E. classes for several local elementary schools benefiting more than 3,000 children.

“The USPTA really stepped up to help us get QuickStart going in some additional counties in central Virginia,” said Lynda Harrill, QCV QuickStart Tennis coordinator.

QuickStart Tennis is now in 82 schools with more than 39,000 students in central Virginia. Training P.E. teachers is the cornerstone of QCV’s strategy to grow tennis in central Virginia from the ground up and accelerate the introduction of QuickStart through its Jump Start QuickStart Tennis initiative. Through this initiative, QCV trains, equips and supports schools, parks and recreation departments and other community organizations that are committed to teaching and running self-sustaining QuickStart Tennis programs.

The USPTA Foundation provides grants and donations to programs and organizations that strive to help economically disadvantaged people learn tennis. All proceeds from the annual USPTA silent auction held at the World Conference on Tennis go to the foundation.

For more information on this and other USPTA programs, please visit