

USTA Serves grants $395K in scholarships

June 20, 2013

WHITE PLAINS, N.Y. — USTA Serves, the National Charitable Foundation of the United States Tennis Association (USTA), today announced that it will grant 58 high school students a variety of college scholarships totaling $395,000.

An objective of USTA Serves is to encourage children to pursue their goals and highest dreams by succeeding in school and becoming responsible citizens. Each year, USTA Serves awards scholarships to deserving youth who have participated in USTA and other organized youth tennis programs, have demonstrated high academic achievement and require financial assistance for college matriculation.

“For many years, USTA Serves has proudly awarded students throughout the country for their outstanding achievements on and off the tennis court,” said Dan Faber, USTA Serves Executive Director. “I am excited that we can play a role toward their continuous excellence in academics, as well as their drive to succeed within this great sport. We look to them as the next great leaders, scholars and champions, and for that, USTA Serves congratulates them on their future endeavors.”

The following scholarships will be granted to high school seniors:

Marian Wood Baird Scholarship Award (Student receives $15,000 award)

Awarded to one high school senior who has excelled academically, demonstrated achievements in leadership and participated extensively in an organized community tennis program, the Marian Wood Baird Scholarship was created by the Baird family and named in honor of the late Marian Wood Baird, who had been recognized by the USTA for over 40 years of volunteer service. The 2013 recipient is Beech Grove High School senior Haley Bougher of Indianapolis.

Dwight F. Davis Memorial Scholarship (Students each receive $10,000 award)

The Dwight F. Davis Memorial Scholarship is granted to two high school seniors who have performed with distinction and have actively participated in extracurricular activities, community service and an organized tennis program. The award is named for Dwight Filley Davis, who began playing tennis at the age of 15 in 1894. In 1900, the year he graduated from college, Davis purchased a 217-troy ounce silver bowl as a prize for an international lawn tennis competition, marking the birth of the Davis Cup. Davis became president of the U.S. Lawn Tennis Association in 1923. His grandson, Dwight F. Davis, III, created the scholarship to honor his grandfather’s achievements and contributions to tennis. The 2013 recipients are Ravenwood High School senior Vivian Hao of Franklin, Tenn., and Cooper City High School senior Vincent Ong of Cooper City, Fla.

Dwight Mosley Scholarship Award (Students each receive $10,000 award)

The Dwight Mosley Scholarship is presented to two USTA-ranked high school seniors of ethnically diverse heritages who have excelled academically and participated extensively in an organized community tennis program. This scholarship was named in memory of Dwight A. Mosley, the first African-American elected to the USTA Board of Directors. It was created with input from the USTA Multicultural Participation Committee and supports the Level One Priority of Diversity within the USTA. The 2013 recipients are Newport High School senior Angela Chen of Bellevue, Wash., and Odyssey Charter School senior Marvin Pagayonan of Las Vegas.

Rosalind Walter Scholarship Award (Students each receive $10,000 award)

The Rosalind Walter Scholarship is presented to two high school seniors who are academically achieving students of good character and who share Walter’s belief in always putting forth one’s best effort and in giving back to one’s community to make it a better place. The scholarship is named in honor of Rosalind Palmer Walter, an active member of the USTA Serves Board since its inception. Walter was responsible for funding the first USTA Serves scholarship in 1994. The 2013 recipients are Pueblo West High School senior Lauren Howe-Kerr of Pueblo West, Colo., and University School of Jackson senior James-Roland Markos of Jackson, Tenn.

Eve Kraft Education & College Scholarship (Students receive $2,500 award)

The Eve Kraft Education & College Scholarship is bestowed upon two high school seniors, one male and one female, who have excelled academically, demonstrated community service, played tennis in an organized program and who reside in an economically disadvantaged community. This scholarship is named in memory of Eve Kraft of Princeton, N.J., a tennis pioneer who introduced thousands of young people to tennis, particularly in disadvantaged communities. The 2013 recipients are Stanton College Prep senior Lara Dedic of Jacksonville, Fla., and State College Area High School senior Cooper Josephs of State College, Pa.

USTA Serves College Education Scholarship (Students each receive $8,000 award)

USTA Serves awards college scholarships annually to high school seniors who have excelled academically, demonstrated community service and participated in an organized tennis program. This year’srecipients include:


USTA Serves College Textbook Scholarship (Students each receive $1,000)

USTA Serves has established a college textbook scholarship that provides a one-time award to assist students in purchasing textbooks or supplies. This year’s recipients include:
