

NO.1VAK – HEAD’s exclusive interview

July 8, 2014


Novak Djokovic is back to the #1 ATP World Ranking after winning the Wimbledon title. HEAD had the opportunity to get an exclusive interview with Novak directly after his match with insights how he regained confidence and worked with him team to get him back to number 1, how he fought through the match to win the title and how he is grateful for all of the positive things going on in his life. You can watch the interview here:

HEAD also had a lot of success in the Junior division for Wimbledon with 3 out of the 4 players in the junior semi-finals being HEAD players. We had an all HEAD USA Junior Final, Noah Rubin (18, Winner) and Stefan Kozlov (16, finalist). Taylor Fritz (16, USA) was a junior semi-finalist.

Great momentum for HEAD and our athletes!