

USTA awards record wheelchair grants

January 7, 2015

WHITE PLAINS, N.Y. — The USTA today announced that it is awarding a record $86,000 in USTA Wheelchair Tennis Grassroots Grants to 20 wheelchair tennis programs nationwide. Grants were awarded to local organizations that promote and develop the growth of wheelchair tennis and use the sport of tennis to build stronger, healthier communities. Since the inaugural grants in 2008, the total pool of USTA wheelchair tennis grant money has increased each year, with 2014 being the year with the largest amount granted to wheelchair programming by the USTA.

Grant amounts were based on each program’s existing budget and the future programmatic needs of the organization. Recipients can use the award to meet the USTA’s grant initiatives including coaching, court time, equipment, recruitment and events (tournaments, camps, etc.).

“Wheelchair tennis continues to grow in the United States and the USTA is delighted to award a record amount of wheelchair tennis grassroots grants to deserving wheelchair tennis organizations for their commitment in promoting and growing the sport,” said Dan James, USTA National Manager, Wheelchair Tennis, “These organizations positively impact wheelchair tennis players and these grants are just a part of the continued effort in implementing programs that support the wheelchair community through tennis and foster growth and achievement in individual players.”

The USTA grants are being awarded to the following organizations:

Additional USTA Wheelchair Tennis Grant opportunities will be announced in 2015. Organizations that are interested in starting a wheelchair tennis program or would like more information about wheelchair tennis can email [email protected].