

Tecnifibre launches a digital platform

June 20, 2017

The digital world, which is always in constant change, plays an essential role which changes the way in which brands have worked in the past. An evolution which Tecnifibre has managed to integrate in its strategy with the launch of a new website. A revamped layout, unique content, more intuitive features … The website, rethought and launched by Shiva Communication agencies offers a real deep immersion into the singular universe of the brand.

The TecniMag : The best part as real content

In addition to presenting the products, the site offers a new editorial dimension that fits perfectly into the DNA of Tecnifibre, which positions itself as a “consulting brand”. The TecniMag, a unique e-mag which gives unforgettable brand content.

Surrounded by international experts and team players, the brand aims to share its passion for tennis and squash by collaborating with the “insiders” of these sports and sharing them an unprecedented content, which will be divided into 3 sections :

Our Flagship to brand image

Tecnifibre’s old page lacked the brand’s new identity : showcasing the premium quality of its products and to attract more interest and ambitions.

To show the brand’s spirit and know how, a new Tecnifibre “flagship” header with more intuitive functions will allow the visitor to discover the different product lines and the athletes of the team.

Optimised for new users, the site must also allow the brand to assert its presence on search engines. The Spanish and Japanese versions will be launched at the end of June.

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